Stock Rush

Stock Rush

  Investors are gobbling up stocks at a frenzied pace. As our featured chart this week illustrates, in the last week of June, $15 billion flowed into U.S. equity funds—the highest weekly amount in a year! This surge reflects growing confidence in a stock market...
Price Drop

Price Drop

  We got some big news regarding the economy this week. The latest inflation reading showed that June’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell 0.6% over the previous month. This was the first monthly decline since 2020. What caused the price drop? Used cars, mostly....
Piggy Bank

Piggy Bank

  The latest savings rate data showed that the personal savings rate for U.S. households edged up to about 3.9% in May. On the bright side, this shows that Americans haven’t felt the need to cut back on spending in recent months and are actually socking away a...


  My daughter loves strawberry milk, but when she makes it, she uses way too much strawberry syrup. You can barely taste the milk because it’s so concentrated. It kind of reminds me of today’s stock market. But instead of syrup, a few giant companies dominate the...
The Big Split

The Big Split

  There’s a growing divide in the United States. No, I’m not talking about the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Or politics. But rather Wall Street, in the stock market, and it’s being driven by mega-cap stocks. This week’s featured chart highlights the performance of...
Getting Cheaper

Getting Cheaper

  We saw a lot of good news on the inflation front this week. The May Consumer Price Index (CPI) showed a broad cooling in prices, and then we found out that the Producer Price Index (PPI) unexpectedly declined by the most in seven months last month. The big...